
House of Medici

The House of Medici was an Italian banking family and political dynasty that first consolidated power in the Republic of Florence under Cosimo de' Medici ... Medici family tree · Medici Bank · Medici villas · Strozzi family

Medici family summary

Medici family, Italian bourgeois family that ruled Florence and later Tuscany from c. 1430 to 1737. The family, noted for its often tyrannical rulers and ...

Medici family | Definition, Members, History, Tree, & Facts

Italian bourgeois family that ruled Florence and, later, Tuscany during most of the period from 1434 to 1737, except for two brief intervals.

Meet the Medicis

A rich, powerful family who oversaw the rise of Florence as the intellectual and artistic capital of the Italian Renaissance.

Patrons | Medici Family

The Medici family of Florence can be traced back to the end of the 12th century. It was part of the patrician class, not the nobility, and through much of ...

The Family Medici: The Hidden History of the Medici Dynasty

書名:The Family Medici: The Hidden History of the Medici Dynasty,語言:英文,ISBN:9781681776484,頁數:528,作者:Hollingsworth, Mary,出版日期:2018/03/06, ...

The Medici Family Tree

In this guide, discover the Medici Family Tree and how this powerful family impacted the city of Florence.

The Medicis: The Trillionaire Family That Owned Europe

The Medici Family had a fortune that would make them literal trillionaires in today's terms... And they almost single-handedly financed The ...

Who were the Medici family?

The Medici family, or the House of Medici, were a prestigious Italian banking family and political dynasty who held great power in Florence from the 15th to ...


麥地奇是醫師起家的金融家族(如其名Medici),其財富、勢力和影響源於經商、從事羊毛加工和在毛紡同業公會中的活動。然而真正使麥地奇發達起來的是金融業務。麥地奇銀行是 ...


TheHouseofMediciwasanItalianbankingfamilyandpoliticaldynastythatfirstconsolidatedpowerintheRepublicofFlorenceunderCosimode'Medici ...Medicifamilytree·MediciBank·Medicivillas·Strozzifamily,Medicifamily,ItalianbourgeoisfamilythatruledFlorenceandlaterTuscanyfromc.1430to1737.Thefamily,notedforitsoftentyrannicalrulersand ...,ItalianbourgeoisfamilythatruledFlorenceand,later,Tuscanyduringmostoftheper...